Monday, December 13, 2010


It's been a while tak update. Sorry! Lately byk benda best terjadi dlm hidup.. Seronok sgt nk cerita..tapi macam dah tiada mood mahu blogging.. nak baca blog org pun semakin x sendiri apatah lagi.. lol kenapa ye? Interested dgn tajuk di atas ? waaaaahh,gud2! Actually xde la honeymoon sangat pun , we juz spend time to ourself , release tension la konon2nya ... Release ke xrelease lagi ni? Alahaiiii....haha...Destination? kali ni ke tempat baru , i've never been there before.but maybe u all dah banyak kali pergi kot..Bukit Tinggi ... fer me sangat2 best sebab saya memang cari tempat untuk me'rilexkan kepala hotak yg serabut ni...( kepala je serabut oke,rambut x.. :D Very3x enjoyable Japanese Garden , Rabbit Park & oso Botanical Garden ...~ So much amazing pictures so little time to upload.Of course i'm having difficult time to choose many pictures for my photo album derrrrrr.... Enjoy ya'.....~

kami ke Tmn Botanik ... Really got fun at Lilies Area.. credit 2 my name?haha..

mode : berlagak mcm snap pic kat oversea ... berangan!

@ Japan restaurant .. nak sushi ! sedap !

Really2 love d moment @ Japanese Graden .. great experience 4 both of us.. kalau kulit kitorang putih , mesti betol2 mcm org jepun kan..terima je la kenyataan kulit hang tu xberapa nak putih..hahaha! ->sewa baju rm20 yea...peace!

bb caye sangat kacak kankan..? wink* wink* ~


me ckp kat him , syg jom kawen kat Jepun..dia cakap,b kalo nak kawen kat Siam pun bleh.. Bencinye! cut cost betol.. =P

Sgt comel taw mereka rabbit2 nie.. dan saya sgt2 rugi sbb takut nak pegang haiwan2 yg menyerupai meoooowww ni... bila la nak berani..rugi2..haissshhhh~

Luv diz picca a lot !tp me xsempat nak edit la.. Macam kat overseas oke... u all please geget jari je la tgk gambar me...hahahaha~ *poyos~

Looking forward to a memorable **holiday next year! InsyaAllah, We gonna fly to Bandung , n flyyyyyy againnnnn to others place fer our honeymoon maybe! I'm super duper excited .. here i come! duuuuhhh !!!!! =)


  1. grrrr... kalau macam tu, yuyu nak engage jugak laaa :)

  2. xda makna nyer nak jeles gambo terakhir tu

  3. yuyu ,, ntah2 engaged je ade honeymoon..kahwen nnt ntah ade ntah xde..haha..
    uit daydeck , jeles la tu...mcm kat overseas oke..hahahha...

  4. wah..beshnyer..jelez2..nak engage jugak..hehe

  5. waaa kalo mira engaged,,,caye la yg paling excited...cepat2 lah! =)


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